Johnnie Saigon No Band Played
No band played when Johnnie came marching home; he slipped in on the winds of defeat during the turbulent sixties. From the concrete jungles of the Bronx to the jungles of Vietnam, Johnnie Saigonathe Italian-American kid, the soldier, the New York City gypsy-cab-driving Vietnam vetaultimately survives his descent into heroin addiction, despair, disillusionment, and the war that raged within him during the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Johnnie conveys, through his stories, the effect that serving his country had on him and on the other men and women who fought for and returned to a divided nation. His stories serve as a testament to the resilience of those who survived and a remembrance of the many who did not. If Johnnieas message gets through, then adonat mean nothinga will have meant something after all.