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In the city of Imardin, where those who wield magic wield power, a young street-girl, adopted by the Magician's Guild, finds herself at the centre of a terrible plot that may destroy the entire world...
Sonea has learned much at the magicians' guild and the other novices now treat her with a grudging respect. But she cannot forget what she witnessed in the High Lord's underground room - or his warning that the realm's ancient enemy is growing in power once more. As Sonea learns more, she begins to doubt her guildmaster's word. Could the truth really be as terrifying as Akkarin claims, or is he trying to trick her into assisting in some unspeakably dark scheme?
Florida and Beyond offers a scathing analysis of America's election system and exposes the various ways - by chance and by design - it fails to reflect the will of the voter, particularly black voters. Using the events surrounding Florida and Election 2000 as a focal point, this book reveals: ] how our manner of financing campaigns effects elections results ] the efforts being made to limit access to the ballot ] the way the news media cover candidates ] flaws in the way we choose our congressmen ] flaws in the way we choose our president ] technical problems plaguing the most popular voting methods Florida and Beyond is a layperson's guide to election reform and must-reading for anyone interested in seeing African-Americans receive their fair share of political representation in the U.S.
Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award, Nicholson Baker has established himself as one of our most brilliant observers of everyday experience. With his keen perception, flawless prose, and endless wit, he has composed both fiction and nonfiction that has become an essential part of our literature.
Vintage Baker contains generous selections from the novels Vox, The Fermata, The Mezzanine, and A Box of Matches; essays from The Size of Thoughts; and portions of the NBCC award winner Doublefold.
Vintage Readers are a perfect introduction to some of the great modern writers, presented in attractive, affordable paperback editions.
Perec has rightfully assumed his position in the pantheon of truly original writers of the past century. Godine has issued all but one is his books in this country, including his masterpiece Life A User's Manual. Here, in one volume, are three "easy pieces" by the master of the verbal firecracker and Gallic wit. The novella "The Exeter Text" contains all those E's that were omitted from A Void (Perec hated waste) and no other vowel (honest). In "Which Moped with Chrome-Plated Handlebars at the Back of the Yard?" we are introduced to Sergeant Henri Pollak and his vehicle (the aforementioned moped) that carried him between Vincennes and Montparnasse; in "A Gallery Portrait," the sensation of the 1913 exhibition in Pittsburgh depicts the artists' patron, beer baron Hermann Raffke, sitting in front of his huge art collection, which includes (of course) "A Gallery Portrait" of the baron sitting before "A Gallery Portrait," etc.
This is the story of Arno Strine, a modest temporary typist, who has perfected the knack of stopping time in its tracks and taking women's clothes off. He is hard at work on his autobiography, The Fermata, which proves in the telling to be a very provocative, very funny and altogether morally confused piece of work.
Hilarious and totally original, Nicholson Baker's new novel is a triumphant comedy about sexual fantasy and fantastic sexuality.
"Even if a magician's powers surface of their own accord, he will
soon be dead if he does not gain the knowledge of how to control
them." Alone among all the novices in the Magicians' Guild, only
Sonea comes from lowly beginnings. Yet she has won powerful
allies—including Lord Dannyl, newly promoted to Guild Ambassador. But
Dannyl must now depart for the Elyne court, leaving Sonea at the
mercy of the lies and malicious rumors her enemies are busy spreading
. .. until the High Lord Akkarin steps in. The price of Akkarin's
support is dear, however, because Sonea, in turn, must protect his
mysteries—and a secret that could lead a young novice mage deep into
the darkness. Meanwhile, Dannyl's first order to resume High Lord
Akkarin's long-abandoned research into ancient magical knowledge is
setting him on an extraordinary journey fraught with unanticipated
peril—as he moves ever-closer to a future both wondrous . .. and
This is volume 103 in the series of French studies published by Yale. It considers French literature.
In Dark Star Safari the wittily observant and endearingly irascible Paul Theroux takes readers the length of Africa by rattletrap bus, dugout canoe, cattle truck, armed convoy, ferry, and train. In the course of his epic and enlightening journey, he endures danger, delay, and dismaying circumstances.
Gauging the state of affairs, he talks to Africans, aid workers, missionaries, and tourists. What results is an insightful mediation on the history, politics, and beauty of Africa and its people.
In a new postscript, Theroux recounts the dramatic events of a return to Africa to visit Zimbabwe.
Emmett has a wife and two children, a cat, and a duck, and he wants to know what life is about. Every day he gets up before dawn, makes a cup of coffee in the dark, lights a fire with one wooden match, and thinks.
What Emmett thinks about is the subject of this wise and closely observed novel, which covers vast distances while moving no further than Emmett’s hearth and home. Nicholson Baker’s extraordinary ability to describe and celebrate life in all its rich ordinariness has never been so beautifully achieved.
"We should expect this young woman to be more powerful than our average novice, possibly even more powerful than the average magician."
This year, like every other, the magicians of Imardin gather to purge the city of undesirables. Cloaked in the protection of their sorcery, they move with no fear of the vagrants and miscreants who despise them and their work-—until one enraged girl, barely more than a child, hurls a stone at the hated invaders...and effortlessly penetrates their magical shield.
What the Magicians' Guild has long dreaded has finally come to pass. There is someone outside their ranks who possesses a raw power beyond imagining, an untrained mage who must be found and schooled before she destroys herself and her city with a force she cannot yet control.